Don't Let's Be Beastly to the Cubans

May 13, 1992

Don't Let's Be Beastly to the Cubans

em = By Rosemary Evans

(A song for President Bush based on Noel Coward's "Don't Let's Be Beastly to the Germans")

Don't let's be beastly to the Cubans,

For 30 years we've done exactly that)

They just can't understand why we have tightened our blockade,

And why we'll stop all other countries coming to their aid.

Let's drag them back to '58,

When life in Havana was simply great.

Let's try to bring them back into the fold.

Let's share the American way of life,

With tear gas and bombing and gun and knife,

And make them damn well do as they are told!
Don't let's be beastly to the Cubans,

Don't let's show them we can't understand

What the Revolution brought them, free health and education,

Plus literacy and low rents and jobs for all the nation.

We've bullied Korea and Iraq.

We'll soon see Qadhafi gets the sack,

We can count upon the CIA!

We don't care that everyone thinks we're hell,

We're out to get Cuba and get Fidel,

Like Hitler's, our New Order's come to stay!

You need Green Left, and we need you!

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