Drown out the Drums of War: March on the Naval Expo

Actions, protests & rallies
Gadigal Country/Sydney


11:00am Tuesday 07 November


Chinese Garden of Friendship
Darling Harbour NSW 2000


Get raucous about AUKUS on Sydney's most iconic concourses!

The Indo-Pacific Naval Expo is once again in our city, and it is up to us to make them feel as unwelcome as possible. On this, the first day of the expo, the people inside the International Convention Centre will be busy discussing how to implement the AUKUS pact and beating the drums of war.

We intend to drown them out with calls for peace and justice.

Bring a noise maker (and ear plugs are recommended) to add to the cacophony of peace - a vuvuzela, harmonica, whistle, rattle, gongs, horns, drums, or tried-and-true pots and pans.

We will gather outside the entrance to the Chinese Friendship Garden - yes, we did that on purpose, thanks for noticing ? - before marching on the convention centre which will be filled with the world's most rich and powerful arms dealers - the weapons corporations and Defence ministers.

War is a racket - so let's make a racket at them for a change.

Following the rally, there will be FOOD, MUSIC, and GOOD TIMES available in Wentworth Park, a short walk from the foreshore. This is a space for us to connect and be together in joy - all the bad stuff can weigh heavy sometimes, so let's claim space for the good stuff too.

This event will take place on unceded Gadigal land. #LestWeForget the Frontier Wars, sovereignty was never ceded - #LandBack now.

#Earthcarenotwarfare #welfarenotwarfare #warprofiteers #noAUKUS #nowar #nosubs #defenceexports #militaryindustrialcomplex #nonukes #disarmament #nonproliferation #demilitarise #peace #warisaracket #earthcarenotwarfare 

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