East Timor anniversary demonstrations

October 23, 1996

By Janet Parker

SYDNEY — On October 14, CNRM Special Representative and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Jose Ramos Horta issued a call on behalf of the united East Timorese resistance, including FRETILIN and UDT, for the broadest support for marches and rallies to be held to commemorate the Santa Cruz massacre in Dili on November 12, 1991, and Jakarta's invasion of East Timor on December 7, 1975.

The appeal gave details of a mass to be held at St Mary's cathedral in Sydney on November 9, followed by a march to Town Hall Square. On December 7, the East Timorese community will be demonstrating in front of Parliament House Canberra at 12 noon.

The march and rally will be calling on the Indonesian government to comply with UN security council resolutions requiring Indonesia to withdraw its troops and respect East Timor's right to self-determination; to release Xanana Gusmao and all political prisoners; and to negotiate without preconditions with East Timorese political representatives to find a solution to the conflict. Demands on the Australian government include withdrawal of de jure recognition of Indonesia's annexation of East Timor, along with all military co-operation and aid to Indonesia.

The appeal asks for sponsorships, participation and financial support. Messages and donations can be sent to November 12 Committee, PO Box 74, Bonnyrigg NSW 2177, or contact FRETILIN representative, Harold Moucho on (02) 9797 8717 , fax (02) 9823 2769.

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