Ecosocialism 2022 - Sydney

Conferences & public forums
Gadigal Country/Sydney


11:00am to 4:00pm Sunday 09 October


Resistance Centre and Bookshop
22-36 Mountain St
Shop 4
Ultimo NSW 2007


Part of a series of conferences, seminars and forums in October across Australia. Workshops and panels on the struggle for a safe climate, workers rights, and international solidarity with the oppressed.


$30 / $10  /$5.



11am-1pm EcoSocialist solutions to the housing crisis: 


  • Renfrey Clarke (South Australia Anti-Poverty Network, Green Left), 
  • Andrew Chuter (Action 4 Public Housing, Socialist Alliance), 
  • Sibylle Kaczorek (German Die Like activist when in Germany, Socialist Alliance Melbourne), 
  • Gong (Australia Communist Party/Community United Defence League)

1-2pm Lunch

2-4pm Winning our right to protest and building the environment movement


  • Sonia Qadir (postgraduate student at UNSW, Sydney in the Law and Justice department, from Lahore, Pakistan). Activist in feminist and grassroots organising)
  • Jay Larbalestier (Fireproof, Socialist Alliance)
  • Josh Pallas (President NSW Civil Liberties Council)
  • Pip Hinman (Stop Coal Seam Gas, Green Left co-editor)

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