'Education is the key' in SAIT campaign
By Chris Spindler
Adelaide — South Australian Institute of Teachers (SAIT) president Clare McCarty on November 14 publicly launched her bid to be elected to the Legislative Council.
About 150 people attended the launching of the "Education is the key" campaign. McCarty and John Smyth, professor of education at Flinders University, spoke on the centrality of education and the failure of the major parties to seriously address the question.
Smyth said, "How can governments increase the quality of education without increasing the funding? Corporations and big business are moving into education as governments move out.
"Can we really afford to leave education in the hands of the major parties and their private economist minders? I think not!"
McCarty stated that smaller class sizes were crucial. "It is a sad indictment of our leaders that such a basic human right is still a matter for debate. Whether to reduce class sizes ought not be in question."
Labor Party policy for the elections contains no commitment to a reduction in class sizes.
A rejection of funding education through corporate sponsorship, a call for more options for post-compulsory education and more emphasis on vocational education were also highlighted.
McCarty concluded by emphasising the link of education to the economy, employment and the environment.