End the Cruelty: Permanent Visas for All Now

Actions, protests & rallies


2:00pm Sunday 08 October


State Library Victoria
328 Swanston St
Melbourne VIC 3000


Speakers include:

* Qutbiallam Timor, president of the Afghan LEE Alliance
* Yassin Firea, Sudanese Australian Advocacy Network
* Mahboobeh Mirshahi, 12,000 Captive Souls
* Senator Janet Rice (Greens)
* Asylum Seeker Resource Centre
* Sanmati Verma, Managing Lawyer with the Human Rights Law Centre

Endorsed by:

* Grandmothers for Refugees
* Combined Refugee Action Group (Geelong)
* Love Finds a Way

Thousands of refugees who are on temporary visas can expect to wait for many more months for the permanent visas that Labor has announced.

Another 10,000 people rejected as refugees by the flawed "fast track" system are in limbo.

The same applies to those brought to Australia from Nauru and Papua New Guinea, while more than 70 refugees still rot in PNG.

And 14,000 refugees in Indonesia are still banned from being considered as part of Australia's refugee intake.

Labor promised change but it continues to drag out the misery, even refusing to carry out its own election pledges.

So we need to be out on the streets again, refugees, asylum-seekers and supporters, to demand the cruelty stops and permanent protection now for all.

To endorse the rally or for more information, email refugeeactioncollective@gmail.com

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