June 5 is World Environment Day. For most newspapers around the country, this is a signal to project a token green face for one day. To set one issue aside to make some noises about the environmental crisis and that we are all, after all, to blame. On the facing page, there'll be an advertisement for the newest car on the market. The ad will go to great lengths to describe all the new "environmentally sensitive" features it has.
At Green Left Weekly we welcome World Environment Day. We wish all environmental groups around the country success with rallies, marches and pickets being held to protest against poor public transport, declining water quality and other issues.
For Green Left the environment is not an issue that can be taken on and off like a cosy winter coat. Environmental awareness is a cornerstone.
Green Left is the only newspaper in Australia which actively campaigns in favour of the environment ahead of private gain. Our position wins us few friends in business and causes us to rely heavily on the friends we have.
Green Left Weekly is written by and for those who want to ensure a green future. Whether you're an active environmentalist, or a more passive supporter, Green Left is your voice.
You can help Green Left continue to talk loud and strong by donating to the fighting fund (see advertisement page 4). Green Left Weekly — it's your environmentally friendly newspaper.