Have you ever thought that something written in Green Left was wide of the mark? Ever wanted to raise a controversial political issue for national debate?
If you answer yes to those questions, then you're probably already an avid reader of the Green Left letters page. You probably turn to Write On as the first thing when you open the paper each week, just to catch up on the state of the debate, or to read the witty one-liners of some contributors.
Green Left Weekly is dedicated to democratic debate within the progressive movement. We don't exclude contributions because they may be perceived as countering the editorial stance of the paper. The aim is to air discussion and give equal opportunity to all green/left/progressive opinions. Debate is welcome, in the spirit of working things out. Green Left letters are a medium for the discussion that we all need to have.
Whether it's vegetarianism, the politics of health care or election strategies, Write On allows an open forum for debate not provided in any other newspaper. It's one of the most important features of Green Left as a paper written by and for activists.
The key thing is participation. Write On is there for your views, your comments and your questions. All you have to do is write.
Making the most of the paper means more than just reading. Green Left Weekly is a dynamic project intended to add to the overall political culture in Australia. It needs your contribution, donation, letter and article. If you don't say what you think, then who will? Green Left Weekly — it's your newspaper.