Film launch: Venezuela: The Cost of Challenging An Empire

Arts, culture & social functions
Gadigal Country/Sydney


6:30pm Saturday 21 September


NSW Teachers Federation
33 Mary St
Surry Hills NSW


A new film by Rodrigo Acuña and Nicholas Ford

Through interviews with academics, journalists, members of government, the opposition and Venezuelan citizens, don't miss the chance to learn about the challenges faced by Venezuela as it endures harsh U.S economic sanctions while often witnessing serious political violence.

"A positive contribution. This documentary provides access to views on Venezuelan politics that are basically absent from mainstream media. 4/5 stars." - Dr Luis Angosto-Ferrandez, author of Venezuela Reframed (2015).

"A necessary documentary for these historical moments of Venezuela, and the greater homeland of Latin America, since it shows what unilateral sanctions mean. The interviews with women are particularly powerful and that makes me proud as a Venezuelan woman. Four stars." - Maruvi Leonett Villaquiran, Venezuelan filmmaker


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