15 union protests
PERTH — The anti-union West Australian has stepped up its campaign of demonising the CFMEU construction union. In what appears to be an attempt to dissuade construction workers from attending the November 15 community day of action against the federal government's industrial relations "reforms", an October 27 article stated: "Building workers who attend the national day of action rally next month could face fines of up to $22,000 each."
The Australian Building and Construction Commission's John Lloyd told the paper, "Complaints made about [the] November 15 action will be investigated. Prosecution action would be taken where it was judged to be warranted." He added: "The surest way to avoid a fine is to not to take industrial action." The comments follow construction giant John Holland Group filing contempt of court proceedings in the WA Supreme Court against the CFMEU over recent industrial action taken by construction workers.
Ron Perkins
From Green Left Weekly, November 2, 2005.
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