FMLN activist assassinated
On August 19, at 1:00 a.m., Oscar Grimaldi, a member of the FPL/FMLN, was assassinated in El Salvador.
Grimaldi was having a drink in the Cafe Latino in Santa Tecla, La Libertad. Two armed men in civilian clothing approached the cafe. One remained outside the cafe, the other entered, looked at Grimaldi, and asked "Who owns that black car?" Before anybody answered, the man opened fire, shooting Grimaldi once in the abdomen and once in the head.
Grimaldi, 40, died instantly. He leaves a wife and four children.
Grimaldi, who was an architect, was captured by the Salvadoran military in 1991 and charged with arms possession. After his release, he went to Nicaragua, where he worked on the logistics team for the FPL/FMLN. Several months ago, he returned to El Salvador.
Grimaldi's is the most recent of several murders of members of the FMLN's logistics team in Nicaragua within the past few months.