FoE turns 30!

November 17, 1993

Cam Walker, Melbourne

They say a week's a long time in politics — but it's nothing compared to thirty years.

Friends of the Earth Australia is turning 30. From modest beginnings, FoE International is now the world's largest grassroots environmental network, active in almost 70 countries.

In Australia, FoE's first national meeting was held on the site of a proposed nuclear reactor on French Island in Westernport Bay — now much of the same area is national park. Things can and do change — and changing the world remains FoE's main aim.

We are celebrating our 30 years at 7pm on July 8, at Gallery 314, 314 Church St, Richmond. A gold coin donation to help cover costs would be appreciated and drinks will be on sale.

The evening will be an acknowledgement of the power of community resistance and creativity, featuring music, an exhibition documenting 30 years of activism by prominent movement photographer John Ellis and the launch of a new book that tells the story of FoE in Australia.

[Phone Friends of the Earth on (03) 9419 8700 or visit <>.]

From Green Left Weekly, July 7, 2004.
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