Forum: BDS and the university

Conferences & public forums


7:00pm Wednesday 23 October


APAN is pleased to host a virtual forum featuring Sami Hermez in conversation with Jordy Silverstein, offering those who work or study in universities insight into the history of the BDS campaign, the possibilities for academic boycott and other BDS action.

This forum will provide a space to gather ideas for collective and individual campaigns on campus. 

Organised by a group of University of Melbourne staff members.

Sami Hermez, PhD, is director of the Liberal Arts Program and associate professor in residence of anthropology at Northwestern University in Qatar. He is the author of War is Coming: Between Past and Future Violence in Lebanon (UPenn 2017), which focuses on the everyday life of political violence in Lebanon and how people recollect and anticipate this violence, and My Brother, My Land: A Story from Palestine (Stanford 2024), an award winning book that tells the story of a Palestinian family resisting ongoing Israeli settler colonialism. His broader research concerns include the study of social movements, the state, the future, memory, violence, and critical security in the Arab World.

Jordy Silverstein is a Senior Research Fellow in the Melbourne Law School. She is the author of Cruel Care: A History of Children at our Borders and Anxious Histories: Narrating the Holocaust in Jewish Communities at the Beginning of the Twenty-First Century.

Following the BDS motion passed with overwhelming support by the Unimelb NTEU branch, this conversation will offer all those who work in universities insights into the history of the BDS campaign for Palestine and the possibilities for academic boycott and other BDS actions in universities. This will enable us to gather ideas for collective and individual campaigns as we embark on implementing the BDS motion.

This event is part of an NTEU National Day of Action for Palestine, supporting the growing movement in the NTEU for concrete action against the colonial and apartheid regime of the Israeli state.

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