Forum: The campaign to free Palestine: the Palestinian, South African and Latin American resistance

Conferences & public forums
Gadigal Country/Sydney


6:00pm Wednesday 07 August


Sydney Resistance Centre
22 Mountain St
Ultimo NSW


Nine months into Israel's brutal genocide on Palestine, with over 180,000 Palestinians murdered, the campaign to Free Palestine continues. Find out how South Africa won their decades-long anti-apartheid movement, what role the Latin American governments are playing in supporting Palestine and explore the next steps from the Palestinian diaspora and supporters.

Forum: How to Free Palestine: the role of the Latin American, South African and Palestinian resistance.


Salim Vally, South African human rights activist, South Africa’s National Research Foundation’s Chair in Community, Worker and Adult Education, based at the University of Johannesburg and long-term anti-apartheid campaigner. Salim will zoom in from Johannesburg.

Ben Radford, Green Left Latin American correspondent based in Peru, will present a prepared video on Latin American governments pro-Palestine initiatives.

Rand Darwish, Palestinian activist in Australia.

Face-to-face at Resistance Bookshop, 22 Mountain St, Ultimo or on zoom

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