Forum discusses euthanasia

March 8, 1995

Forum discusses euthanasia

By Amanda Mitchell

SYDNEY — "People have a right to options about death, just as they have a right to options about life", said Paul van Reyk, author of Choosing To Die.

Van Reyk was addressing a February 25 forum convened by People Living With HIV/AIDS, and launching a community discussion on euthanasia. Debate has been sparked by the recent Northern Territory discussions about legalising the right to choose euthanasia.

The forum was also addressed by Stephen Ford, deputy convener of PLWHA, Stephen Gallagher, a support worker with the Aids Council of NSW, and Daniel Zimmerman, an HIV carer for the past three years.

While suicide is not illegal in NSW, "assisting, counselling or inciting" someone to commit suicide is. One of the issues to be considered was what sort of support or legal protection might be necessary for people assisting in euthanasia, or simply being present at a suicide. The current law is imprecise about the definition of "assisting" or "inciting".

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