Forum: Justice for Palestine and Australian Foreign Policy

Actions, protests & rallies


6:30pm to 8:30pm Tuesday 03 September


Coburg Town Hall
90 Bell St
Coburg VIC 3058


Free Palestine Melbourne is organizing a forum on “Justice for the Palestinians and Australian Foreign Policy.”

The two leading candidates for Wills in the upcoming Federal election have been invited.
Samantha Ratnam has accepted our invitation and Tasneem Chopra is confirmed as the moderator.

We are still awaiting Peter Khalil’s response, but the event will go ahead regardless.

Save the date: 03 September @ 6:30 PM.
If you are a Wills resident and would like to hear Mr Khalil answer questions regarding the Albanese government’s policies on Palestine in a public forum, we encourage you to contact him:

phone: (03) 9350 5777

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