Forum: Palestinian refugees, all refugees - victims of Australia's cruel refugee system

Conferences & public forums


6:30pm to 8:30pm Monday 26 August


Kathleen Syme Library and Community Centre
251 Faraday Street
Carlton VIC 3051



  • Yousef Alreemawi, Palestinian academic, writer, musician, and refugee advocate
  • Sadaf Teymornejad, Neuroscience PhD student and refugee advocate with lived experience
  • Senator Steph Hodgins-May, Australian Greens

Palestinians fleeing the horror in Gaza are being treated much worse than those escaping the war in Ukraine.

Ukrainian refugees get three-year visas with the right to work and access Medicare. Palestinians are initially being issued tourist visas only.

Our panel of speakers will address this inequality and put it in the broader context of Australia's refugee policy, which keeps thousands on bridging visas in limbo, strands people on Nauru and in PNG and denies refugees in Indonesia entry.

All welcome. This meeting will be both face-to-face at the Kathleen Syme Library and via Zoom (link below).

For more info: ring David on 0438 547 723. 

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