Forum: Your Taxes Fund Weapons Community Forum

Conferences & public forums


6:30pm to 8:30pm Tuesday 29 October


Coburg Town Hall
90 Bell St, Coburg
Coburg VIC 3058


Upcoming - How your taxes fund weapons manufacturing: Community forum

The Labor Government has promised to improve our lives in the middle of a cost of living crisis – but what are they really spending our money on?

Weapons manufacturing is a booming industry in Australia, and it gets massive government support. Instead of hospitals, community programs and climate adaptations, public money is pouring into facilities that build bombs and fighter jets.

How did we get here, what does it mean for our future, and what can we do about it?

Join us for a community forum to learn more:

Tue 29 Oct, 6.30pm

Coburg Town Hall: 90 Bell St Coburg

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