Murray Smith, Paris
Over the last four years, France's right-wing government has forced through a whole series of neoliberal policies. Sometimes resistance has been fierce, such as to the reform of the pension system in 2003. But overall the government has been able to impose its "reforms", mainly because the traditional workers' organisations have not been prepared to go all the way in opposing them. This time, however, President Jacques Chirac and his prime minister and protege Dominique de Villepin may have bitten off more than they can chew.
The government's proposed "First Job Contract" (CPE) would make it possible to sack young people under 26 during their first two years in a job without giving any reason. It is one more link in the chain of the government's objective of tearing up all existing labour legislation, making job security a thing of the past and giving employers the right to hire and fire at will. And it is a measure aimed particularly at young workers entering the labour market. Slowly at first, but now increasingly quickly, opposition has been building up, with the biggest student movement since the mid-1980s as its backbone.
The first big mobilisation took place on February 7, called by most of the main unions and by university and high school student organisations. It was — in French terms — a modest success, with more than 400,000 demonstrators in the streets of France's towns and cities. Over the next month, in spite of France's staggered school holidays, which mean that from the beginning of February to the middle of March some schools and universities are closed in some regions, the movement gained in depth and breadth. As students began to understand what was at stake, the movement amplified and moved on from demonstrations and protests to occupations. Around 50 universities are wholly or partially occupied by students. The third largest of these, Nanterre, has been closed down "for security reasons".
The second big day of action on March 7 was much bigger than the first — a million people took to the streets in 160 towns and cities. The demonstrations were made up of trade unionists and many young people, students and workers. The tone was very radical. It was clear that many young people had understood that the government was hand in glove with the MEDEF, the very vocal and aggressive French employers' association. All the left parties have supported the movement and called for the withdrawal of the CPE — not only the Communist Party and the far left, but also the Socialist Party. Quite unusually outside of election periods, SP posters can be seen on walls.
The government is trying to hold the line and has not hesitated to use force against the students. On the night of March 10, riot police invaded France's oldest university, the Sorbonne, driving out the students who were occupying it and injuring several. This brought back memories of the mass student and worker uprisings of May 1968 when the Sorbonne became a symbol of the struggle. In the following days, more and more students mobilised and on March 14, university and high school students marched on the Sorbonne.
The rhythm of events has begun to speed up. Student organisations called a day of action for March 16 and asked workers to strike in support. A March 18 day of action called by the unions, including the most right-wing of them, the CFDT, led to the "biggest joint student and worker actions since May 1968", according to the British Telegraph.
The main union, the CGT, has called for a further day of strikes and demonstrations on March 30. But that is too far away for the students. Their national coordinating committee meeting in Poitiers on March 11 called on the unions to organise a one-day strike on March 23, with a national demonstration in Paris.
The government is now seriously worried and splits are beginning to appear. A few right-wing politicians have openly called for the CPE to be withdrawn, such as Herve de Charette, Chirac's former foreign minister. Many more are closing ranks with the government, yet privately expressing concern.
The next couple of weeks will be decisive. If the unions respond to the students' call for a strike on March 23, the movement can be reinforced. Much depends on the CGT, the refusal of which to call for a general strike in 2003 against attacks on pension rights let the government off the hook.
The Revolutionary Communist League (LCR) and the Revolutionary Communist Youth (JCR) have been heavily involved in the movement and are supporting the call for a national strike and demonstration. The LCR has also proposed a united meeting of all the forces on the left to demand the withdrawal of the CPE.
[Murray Smith is a member of the LCR.]
From Green Left Weekly, March 22, 2006.
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