Free Craig Johnston campaign sets up in Sydney

November 17, 1993

Jenny Long, Sydney

At a September 2 meeting to set up a campaign to free jailed Victorian union militant Craig Johnston, around 25 activists made plans for a protest against the Victorian government, which successfully pushed for Johnston's suspended sentence to be overturned in favour of a jail term.

National Tertiary Education Union activist Susan Price, also the candidate for the Socialist Alliance in the seat of Sydney, told Green Left Weekly that the campaign would aim to persuade trade unionists to take a stand against the jailing. She condemned the increasing criminalisation of union activities under the Coalition government.

The campaign has made its first priority the production of a fact sheet on Johnston, as his case is far less well known in NSW than Victoria, to be accompanied by a poster and petition campaign outside a range of worksites and in social movements. This will be followed by a protest planned for September 24, and a public meeting. The group will next meet on Thursday September 9, 6.30pm, at the Gaelic Club in Devonshire Street, Surry Hills.

From Green Left Weekly, September 8, 2004.
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