Free Palestine: Dandenong Protest

Actions, protests & rallies


1:00pm to 3:00pm Saturday 06 July


Harmony Square
225 Lonsdale Street
Dandenong VIC 3175


Join the next protest for Palestine in Dandenong:

July 6, 1pm in front of Dandenong library.

With people being burned alive in Rafah, we want to build this rally to call on the government to sanction Israel and stop arming Israel.

We are ALSO organising a banner painting day and will focus messaging on protesting against the Australian government's support for Israel's war machine and Australia's complicity in Israel's genocidal attack on Gaza through intelligence feeds from the spy-base at Pine Gap and military exports.

The Palestine protests are also about building the anti-war movement.

The AUKUS deal is not just about nuclear submarines. It ties Australia to US foreign policy and it's why the Albanese government has never called out Israel for its war crimes.

As students around the world pressure their universities to divest from apartheid Israel, and people continue to march for Palestine, the Labor government has shamefully voted to not recognize Palestine.

Recognition of Palestinian statehood was already a party objective but instead of joining 146 other countries, Labor has chosen to side with the Zionist lobby and is more concerned about the "rules-based international order" than urgent, strong calls to halt Israel's mass murder of Palestinians.

Labor have ignored Israel's structural oppression of Palestine, and they have been silent throughout the 15-year siege of Gaza and now genocide.

We won't be silent.

Let's keep taking it to the streets! Keep marching together for the people of Palestine, for their right to resist and self-determination, and keep showing solidarity with their struggle against the Israeli occupation.

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