Free Palestine teach-in

Conferences & public forums
Gadigal Country/Sydney


10:00am to 5:00pm Saturday 16 March


Resistance Centre
22 Mountain St
Ultimo NSW 2008


Organised by Green Left, Palestine Cultural Centre, Palestine Justice Movement Sydney, Jews Against the Occupation ‘48, Socialist Alliance

10-12 noon PANEL: From the river to the sea: Palestinian Resistance from the Nakba to the Intifada and to today

With Nachshon Amir is an ex-Israeli Defence Force officer, Amal Naser, Palestinian activist involved in Palestine Action Group, law graduate, and Peter Boyle, long-term global south solidarity activist, Malaysian-Australian socialist, Green Left journalist, Rojava Solidarity Sydney and Socialist Alliance.

12-1pm LUNCH

1-2.45pm WORKSHOPS

1. The geo-strategic Arab world: wars and anti-colonial uprisings and implications for Palestine: with Khaled Ghannam, others TBC

2. Imperialist Lies and Activist Truth telling to Free Palestine with Isaac Nellist and others TBC

3-5pm PANEL Building Resistance to Apartheid Israel in settler colonial Australia speakers TBC

More on the speakers:

Nachshon Amir is an ex-Israeli Defence Force officer who is speaking out to break Israel’s siege on Gaza and end the war on Palestine. He is working to dismantle the Israeli apartheid regime and to win full rights and equality for all people between the river and the sea. To that end, he is part of organising Free Palestine actions in Naarm.

Amal Naser is a third generation Palestinian refugee and organiser on Gadigal land. Her grandparents were exiled from Al-lydd, Palestine during the Nakba. She is strongly dedicated to building intersectional and transnational solidarities

Peter Boyle is a long-term socialist of Malaysian heritage and has been involved in First Nations and global south solidarity politics for over five decades. He is a prolific writer for Green Left and active in solidarity with the Rojava revolution on the Syrian border. 

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