Acclaimed British director Ken Loach's latest film, The Navigators, deals with the experiences of a group of South Yorkshire railway track workers coping with the privatisation of British Rail. The Navigators reveals the "view from below" as the workers have to "navigate" their way through the chaos and crises to which privatisation leads. Loach also pays tribute to the original "navigators" or "navvies" who constructed the British railways in the 19th century.
The Navigator will open around Australia in August. Special sneak previews will take place in Sydney, at the Chauvel (Paddington), Valhalla (Glebe) and Orpheum (Cremorne) cinemas, on August 2 and 3; in Brisbane on August 2 and 3; in Melbourne, at the Lumiere, Classic and Rivoli cinemas, on August 10 and 11; in Canberra, at the Electric Shadows Cinema, on August 10 and 11; in Adelaide, at the Palace Nova (East End), on August 10 and 11; and in Perth, at the Paradiso (Northbridge), on August 10 and 11.
Green Left Weekly has five double passes to give away in each city. Please phone 1800 634 206 after noon on Friday, July 26.
From Green Left Weekly, July 24, 2002.
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