PERTH — The Fremantle branch of the ALP held a rally on November 23 in opposition to a war on Iraq, which drew around 120 people. Local MP Carmen Lawrence told the crowd that she believed "our aim should be the removal of weapons of mass destruction from all countries". She said that the governments of the world "are not listening to their people — we don't want a war on Iraq!"
Wally Pritchard from Unions WA emphasised the importance of building substantial union opposition to a war on Iraq. A speaker from the Fremantle Anti-Nuclear Group (FANG),Scott Ludlum, discussed the "Sea-Swap" program, which he said would have the effect of establishing a permanent US naval base in Fremantle, and condemned the ALP WA state government for inviting and encouraging it.
From Green Left Weekly, December 4, 2002.
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