Newcastle anti-racists are counter-mobilising again against Reclaim Australia, the anti-Muslim group, who are again attempting to establish a support base in the Hunter Region.
The far-right racists are using a proposal by Newcastle's Muslim Association to build a mosque and small funeral parlour in Buchanan, in the Hunter Valley, as a pretext to attack the Muslim Community.
Buchanan is a rural area just outside Kurri Kurri and close to the Hunter Expressway.
The Reclaim Australia group, last attempted to rally in Newcastle in July. On that occasion they were heavily outnumbered by counter-protesters.
This time the racists have brought in right-wing TV personality Kim Vulga to promote their November 22 rally in Cessnock.
The Rally Against Racism counter rally promises peacefully speak out against racist lies, celebrate diversity and welcome Muslims.
In a revealing comment the administrator of the racists Facebook page denied that they are “froth-mouthed, racist halfwits”!
Who would have thought that?
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