Gaza Press - Tales of a Homeland

Arts, culture & social functions
Western Sydney


5:30pm Saturday 07 September


Bankstown Sports Club
8 Greenfield Parade
Bankstown NSW


After almost 300 days of unprecedented human suffering, the occupier continues to act with full impunity and no accountability.

And while cameras have captured every dark corner of the genocide, the world has turned a blind eye to the crimes against humanity in Gaza.

Tales of a Homeland returns this year, bringing our newest theatrical production; Gaza Press to the stage as we use our voices to bring alive the stories of Gaza's heroes.

Join us as we take you on a journey of a thousand Gazan nights; culture, history, heritage, love, pain and an unrelenting resilience in the determination for liberation.

The play will serve as a fundraising event, with proceeds going towards community projects and PANZMA's medical projects and missions to Gaza.


Tales of a Homeland is an entirely not -for -profit production.

Tales of a Homeland is partnering with PANZMA (Palestinian Australian New Zealand Medical Association) to raise funds for community projects and medical missions to Gaza.

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