Green Left Weekly was established, in part, as a remedy to that kind of media. We carry very few ads, and the ones we do carry, aren't trying to fool anyone.
Green Left's ads are there to tell our readers that some political event (a conference, a demo, a picket) is happening, or to let our readers know about an interesting political book, or other products. As far as audiences go, Green Left's audience is very targeted.
Around 10,000 people each week across Australia will read Green Left Weekly. Perhaps you have a t-shirt, a range of solidarity products or a conference you'd like to let them know about. There's no better way than taking out an ad in Green Left Weekly.
Ads in Green Left are very inexpensive from as little as $25 for a small display ad. Of course you might want a whole page this can be arranged.
With every ad you place in Green Left, you know the money isn't going to some executive's expense account. Every dollar goes to helping Green Left prosper.
So if you've got a good (left or green) idea, why not let the people you want to reach know about it. Ring the Green Left Weekly business office, Monday to Friday, on (02) 690 1230 to discuss your needs.
Green Left Weekly it's your targeted newspaper.
GLW: Hitting the target
October 3, 1995
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