By Bill Mason
BRISBANE — Some 130 people crowded into the Resistance Centre here on September 2 to celebrate the 200th issue of Green Left Weekly with a lively dinner-cabaret. The theme of the night was a South Pacific feast, to mark the campaign for a nuclear-free and independent Pacific. Sam Watson, a leader of the Murri community, spoke of the ongoing struggle for Aboriginal rights and praised the role of GLW as a voice for the oppressed in society.
Andrew Watson, Brisbane organiser of the Democratic Socialist Party, thanked the staff and supporters of Green Left for their efforts in maintaining a high quality, left paper for 200 issues.
Ovideo and Leonor Orellana outlined the struggle of the Guatemalan people against military terror, and expressed their support for the solidarity work of GLW.
Chairperson Ana Kailis called on everyone who values an alternative press to subscribe and give financial support to Green Left Weekly.
GLW's 200th issue celebrated in Brisbane
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