Victoria passes Climate Change Act
Victoria’s new Climate Change Act, which was passed on February 23, will set Victoria on the path to zero climate pollution.
The act will establish a target of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050; require five-yearly interim emissions targets from 2020 onwards; improve accountability and transparency on efforts to cut emissions; and ensure all arms of government are factoring climate change impacts and emissions reductions into their decision making and policy setting.
The act was supported by the Greens and Sex Party but opposed by the Coalition, who also announced their opposition to the Victorian Renewable Energy Target.
No conviction for WestConnex protester arrested at Sydney Park
Newtown resident Glenys Waddell was arrested while protesting the destruction of Sydney Park trees for the WestConnex tollway.
She was charged with aggravated trespass under the Enclosed Lands Act.
She pleaded guilty to the charge and faced a fine of up to $5500, but no conviction was recorded by Magistrate Susan McIntyre.
In a statement Waddell said: “I want it known that I climbed the fence in Sydney Park to protest against the destruction of the magnificent trees, after our legitimate protests were ignored.
“The right to protest and be heard are basic democratic principles. These penalties and the treatment of protesters quash these rights.”
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