Good start to subscription campaign

May 29, 1996

If this is your first home-delivered copy of Green Left Weekly, then you are one of the many progressive Green Left readers who have decided to subscribe to the best alternative newspaper in Australia. Our May-June subscription campaign has already resulted in a 6% increase in our subscription base, and we're not yet half way through!

Perhaps you have been reading Green Left for some time, maybe even for the five years it has been produced. Perhaps you decided to subscribe to Green Left after reading it only once or twice.

Either way, your decision to subscribe will play a role in ensuring the future success and financial stability of the newspaper that delivers so much more than the establishment press.

If you are not already subscribing, and have purchased this copy from one of the many dedicated Green Left Weekly sellers all across Australia, then now is the best time to consider subscribing and becoming a supporter of the independent newspaper that is not owned and controlled by a billionaire media baron.

Our special May-June only price of $60 for a year's subscription makes perfect economic sense. For first-time subscribers, we are also offering a half price introductory deal of 10 issues for $10. By subscribing to Green Left Weekly, not only do you benefit, but the newspaper also benefits from the financial stability of a strong subscriber base. Green Left Weekly — it's your paper.

You need Green Left, and we need you!

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You can also call 1800 634 206 to make a donation or to become a supporter. Thank you.