Grassroots solution to climate change

April 20, 2005

Zoe Moore, Sydney

The federal Coalition government has turned its back on the Kyoto Protocol on greenhouse emissions and NSW Labor Premier Bob Carr is promoting the necessity of another coal-fired power station in NSW, so it's now up to the people to show the way.

By continuing to provide massive subsidies for fossil fuels, PM John Howard has demonstrated his solidarity with this dirty, destructive industry. At the same time, the federal government has cut rebates and programs for clean energy. Compared to countries around the world that are aiming for 10-30% new clean energy, the bar has been set inexcusably low in Australia, with a mandatory renewable energy target of a pitiful 2% by 2010.

The federal government has cut research and development programs for clean energy and recently put a question mark over the future of the nationally-available solar rebate.

At the state level, despite professing his commitment to the environment and acknowledging the seriousness of climate change, Carr has given the nod to an increase in the use of one of the dirtiest energy sources — coal.

Overseas struggles show what can be achieved. Students in the US have campaigned successfully to push their universities to commit to ambitious renewable energy targets. Thai communities continue their struggle against coal power and New Zealanders recently occupied a proposed coal-fired power station for nine days.

In Australia, the grassroots movement is also growing louder. A community climate action workshop will be held from 1pm on April 30 in building 2, level 4, room 22 at the University of Technology, Sydney.

[For more information contact Rising Tide — phone Vanessa Bowden on 0413 817 597 or (02) 4929 3310.]

From Green Left Weekly, April 20, 2005.
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