Green Alliance to stand in SA elections
By Chris Spindler
ADELAIDE — Addressing the desperate need for alternative political forces to be standing against both the Labor and Liberal parties, Green Alliance will run a campaign in the coming South Australian elections.
Green Alliance is a diverse group of people who have come together to offer a green, progressive, people-oriented alternative to the growth and profit policies of the established parties.
With the major parties likely to restrict the election debate to empty sloganeering and personnel politics, there could be little satisfaction on the environment, employment, public transport, protection of the public sector, the rights of women or any other of the pressing issues.
Standing on policies that relate to both environmental and social justice concerns, Green Alliance intends to campaign for an effective and cheap public transport system, World Heritage listing for significant natural and cultural sites in the Lake Eyre Basin, an end to the production of submarines, an end to the cutbacks in the education, health and housing sectors and support for job creation on an environmentally sustainable basis.
All interested in being part of such an alternative are welcome to attend meetings. The next Green Alliance meeting is planned for October 9, 2 p.m., at a venue to be announced. For information phone Lesley on 231 6982 or Jim on 337 2440 or keep an eye on the Green Left Weekly "Meetings ... Parties ... Anything".