Help celebrate Green Left's 30th anniversary
Sat March 27, 7pm AEDT
(7pm NSW, Vic, ACT, Tas; 6:30pm SA; 6pm Qld; 5:30pm NT; 4pm WA)
Online celebration featuring supporters from around the world, how you can get involved in Green Left and guest speaker Kavita Krishnan, feminist and CPI-ML (Liberation) leader.
India is on the move for the rights of farmers and against privatisation and corporate monopolies.
The mass movement, which started in 2020, is generating solidarity from people across India as well as around the world, including Australia.
Kavita is a leader of the Communist Party of India ML (Liberation), Secretary of the All-India Progressive Women’s Association and participant in the farmers’ struggle against the Narendra Modi regime.
Entry 0, $5, $20
Tickets available: https://www.trybooking.com/BOQWR
Info: editor@greenleft.org.au
Send us your solidarity message, and use #GreenLeft30 on social media