Dave Riley
The Green Left Weekly email discussion list was set up two years ago as an adjunct to this paper's publishing venture. It has now reached the 500 subscriber mark, making it one of the largest open discussion lists on the left.
Over this time, the list has sponsored many important exchanges that have grown out of contemporary politics, as more and more activists sign on. This has meant that the list bridges the weekly gap between each edition of Green Left Weekly and serves as a thermometer of what people think and feel about the world around them.
Even for those that "lurk" on the list, the polemics can be a fascinating exploration of some of the key political issues facing the green-left movement. Ongoing debates about left unity, the nature of the Australian Labor Party, the Iraqi resistance, Venezuela, alliances, etc., are standard fare on a list which can now boast subscribers drawn from many sources — left groups including the Socialist Alliance, the Greens, activists in countries outside Australia, people new to left politics, and more. This reflects the broad readership of GLW. Because of this constant exchange of views, the GLW discussion list is now a valued forum for green and left dialogue as well as functioning as a daily news resource circulating reports that you won't find in the mainstream dailies.
As lists go, this one can be busy, with more than 1000 posts during some months. However, some subscribers choose to read the messages on the web rather than download them. Subscription options can be tailor-made to suit a range of preferences. For many, the list can become something of an addiction.
To join, send an email to GreenLeft_discussion-subscribe@yahoogroups.com or visit <http://groups.yahoo.com/group/GreenLeft_discussion>.
From Green Left Weekly, March 9, 2005.
Visit the Green Left Weekly home page.