As the Venezuelan presidential elections on December 3 draw closer, and the tensions grow as the revolutionary forces led by President Hugo Chavez face off against the US-backed opposition fronted by Manuel Rosales, the world is watching with huge interest. The stakes in this election are immense: the future of the Bolivarian revolution and the struggle to construct socialism of the 21st century are on the line.
Our job as Green Left Weekly correspondents in Caracas has been to keep you up to date with the latest events. No other progressive newspaper in the world has a similar bureau in Venezuela, and this week we are proud to report on our participation in a meeting with President Chavez himself (see "Chavez speaks on socialist ethics, sends greetings to Australia" page 14)!
Following a fascinating year observing the people's revolution develop, and attempting as best we can to describe it to you, we are returning to Australia after the Venezuelan elections. To continue with the bureau in Caracas, we need you to help us meet our Fighting Fund target: we still have to raise $65,372 by the end of this year.
For those who have appreciated reading first-hand coverage of the Venezuelan revolution — whether in hard-copy or on the web — and want it to continue, please consider making a donation. In particular, we appeal to the thousands of you around the world who read this paper's unique coverage on the web to make a donation to help the small band of activists in Australia who have worked so hard to raise a fantastic $184,628 (74% of target) so far this year.
The Venezuelan revolution needs the solidarity of those around the world who understand the crucial role that Chavez and the Venezuelan people are playing right now. It is President Chavez who is leading the struggle to consolidate an anti-imperialist bloc against the domination of the US empire.
To help generate that solidarity, we need the truth about Venezuela to be spread throughout the Western world, especially where the big-business media systematically lie about Chavez and Venezuela. Green Left Weekly plays an important part in that process.
You can deposit a donation to the Green Left Weekly Fighting Fund at: Greenleft, Commonwealth Bank, BSB 062-006, Account No. 901992. Alternatively, send a cheque or money order to PO Box 515, Broadway NSW 2007, phone it through on the toll-free line at 1800 634 206 (within Australia), or donate online at <>.