Green Left has launched a new video podcast called the Green Left Show.
The first episode premiered on January 24 profiling First Nations voices about Invasion Day. Guests were Sydney Invasion Day rally organiser Elizabeth Jarrett, Socialist Alliance candidate and Nyoongar activist Marianne Mackay and Greens senator Lidia Thorpe.
The second episode came out on January 31 and looked at the release of dozens of refugees from detention in Melbourne. The show featured detained refugee Amin Afravi, Socialist Alliance councillor Sue Bolton and Chris Breen from the Refugee Action Collective (Victoria).
The third episode will explore the issues surrounding democracy and the big tech companies and will be released on February 7.
We aim to cover important topical issues and involve guest participants from the diversity of progressive opinion and from a range of campaign areas.
Green Left is not just about reporting the news, nor even just analysing political developments. Our aim is to be active participants in the battle to change society.
Changing the world is a complicated endeavour. If it were easy, a lot of the problems our society faces would have been solved long ago.
One conclusion that follows from that is that activists need news and analysis if we are to be successful in our campaigns: we need information about what campaigns are winning successes and which difficulties we’re facing.
We also need to understand the terrain on which we’re fighting because it is very clear that the capitalist ruling class — the richest and most powerful ruling class in history — has a lot of experience in dividing up the working and oppressed majority.
The Green Left Show aims to be firmly part of Green Left’s 30-year tradition of linking people powered media with active social change movements.
Even though Green Left began as a newspaper, from very early on we embraced the internet. Every issue was published free and in full online from the early 1990s – much earlier than other media.
The new Green Left Show is part of this tradition (though if we’re honest, from being early enthusiasts we now have a bit of catching up to do). We actively want to expand our online and multimedia work.
This is part of a broader push towards producing more podcasts and continuing the Green Left Radio show produced in Melbourne and broadcast Fridays on Radio 3CR.
We want you to be involved!
People-powered media can never expect to succeed on the back of corporate sponsorship and funding. We will rise or fall with the help of our supporters. People like you.
It’s not just becoming a paid supporter that counts, valuable though that is!
If you have video or podcasting skills (or you want to learn) and you want to help us expand this area of our work, please get in touch.
You can also help simply by liking and sharing our videos and podcasts.
There is a critical need in Australian politics for a stronger left wing political force that is both anti-capitalist and non-sectarian.
With the climate and inequality crises bearing down on us, this is the time to take a stand for an ecosocialist future.
We welcome your participation in any way you wish to be involved. But if you don’t want to stand in the front line right now, please make sure that at the very least you stand behind the ones who do.
You can help by becoming a supporter and donating to our 2021 Green Left Fighting Fund.