On July 25, Tamil refugee Dayan Anthony (formerly known as "Mr X" in Australia in an attempt to protect his identity from Sri Lankan authorities), was deported from Melbourne. Australian authorities handed him over to the Sri Lankan intelligence forces - who had held Mr Anthony in custody for years, and had tortured him.
After 16 hours in custody, paraded in front of the media by his captors, he recanted all allegations of torture - despite suffering in Australia from post-traumatic stress found to be from torture, and having suffered a broken back as a result of this 'non-existent' torture.
Melbourne refugee activists and the Tamil community speak out about the horror of the Australian government sending a torture victim back to his oppressor - and the battle against such deportations. Get involved with RAC in Melbourne or the refugee action group in your state.
Film by Green Left TV. Thanks to Jeremy and Mr Anthony's family, the Tamil community, RAC, RISE, Ali Bakhtiavandi, Sue Bolton.
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