Green Left TV: Kavita Krishnan on the movement against gender violence in India

January 22, 2013
Kavita Krishnan addressing a protest in India.
Kavita Krishnan addressing a protest in India.

Indian socialist feminist Kavita Krishnan spoke to Green Left TV's Pip Hinman about the new movement against gender violence in India. Kavita is Secretary of the All India Progressive Women's Association (AIPWA) and has been a leading activists in the campaign that has swept India (and beyond) since the brutal gang rape of a woman student in Delhi in a public bus. The woman, badly injured in the attack, died two weeks later despite being flown to Singapore for treatment. Her male companion, who was also severely assaulted, survived. Six suspects are being tried.

Video: This interview was filmed and edited by Pip Hinman and Peter Boyle for Green Left TV. Green Left.

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