Green Left Weekly

August 18, 1993

Did you know that Green Left Weekly was sold in over 12 regional cities and towns across Australia?

You can buy Green Left at the Dancing Bear Cafe at Toowoomba in Queensland. You can get Green Left from Bobouche in Bundaburg, in Middlemount, Cairns and Darwin. Green Left is sold at Wainrights' Tree in Geelong, by Greenhouse/EYA at Launceston campus, and in Rosebery on the west coast of Tasmania.

If you live in Western Australia, you can buy Green Left at the South West Environment Centre in Bunbury, in Denmark and Mundurah. Green Left Weekly is even sold in Broken Hill NSW.

On a regular basis less than 4% of Green Left Weekly's sales, i.e., around 300 a week, are made outside the main cities. The importance of these sales is more important than the small figure may indicate however.

As Green Left aims to reach an audience broader than the inner city political scene, country or rural sales play a key part. In areas where Green Left is actively sold, subscriptions are far higher than where it is not. It's also important not to underestimate the political culture of small centres. In Lismore last week, a Green Left seller sold 20 papers in one hour on the street!

Of course, there's a variety of ways to distribute Green Left Weekly. The Fairfax monopoly of newspaper distribution to newsagents has effectively excluded Green Left. Regular drops of the paper in newsagents, corner stores, video shops, etc., therefore become even more important.

For anyone who thinks they may be able to distribute at least two copies of Green Left Weekly in their area each week, we can supply posters, leaflets and display boxes to help the process along.

In order to beat the media monopoly, Green Left relies on the active support of its readers. Your support is invaluable.

If you'd like to distribute Green Left in your city or town, why not give Claudine a call at the Green Left business office on (02) 690 1230. If you'd like to help our teams of sellers in the major cities, just phone the local Green Left office (see list below right).

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You can also call 1800 634 206 to make a donation or to become a supporter. Thank you.