On March 12 this year the 1000th issue of Green Left Weekly will be published. We are marking this significant milestone by launching a special fund appeal. The aim is to raise $100,000 in pledges and donations by March 12. These funds will ensure that Green Left Weekly continues as an independent source of news and analysis.
Amazingly our readers and supporters took us over the target three weeks before our 1000th issue!
We are collecting messages of support for publication in the pages of the paper and online. GLW supporters are organising celebrations in cities across the country.
Why not celebrate this milestone by purchasing a subscription for yourself or for a friend. Subscribing is easy, simply phone 1800 634 206 or subscribe here.
Message of support

From acclaimed writer and film maker, John Pilger:
"Congratulations once again to Green Left Weekly. As I've often said to people all over the world when they ask what the press is like in Australia, 'Mostly owned by Murdoch and mostly unfree.'
"But I always add quickly, 'There is one newspaper that is independent of powerful interests and that's Green Left Weekly'... Read more of John Pilger's message to Green Left Weekly.

From Greens Senator Lee Rhiannon:
"Congratulations to the Green Left Weekly team on reaching the milestone of 1,000 editions. This is a huge achievement in terms of sheer effort, resilience and most importantly, independent reporting.
"To maintain regular production of a socialist newspaper in Australia is vital and the fact that GLW have achieved this is a credit to their production team and the many activists and journalists who keep their stories and commentaries rolling in..."

From Tamara Pearson, Journalist for Venezuelanalysis.com:
"Comrades, your perseverance so far with Green Left Weekly is inspiring. It's an upward battle you're waging, against the overwhelming distortions and lies printed by the private press, with little resources. You print the news that matters, and it’s contextualised, and you deserve to celebrate that. Abrazos."

From Wendy Bacon, Professorial Fellow, UTS and contributing editor to New Matilda:
"I congratulate Green Left Weekly on reaching the 1,000 edition milestone. As a reader and as a journalist who has spent much of my life working outside mainstream media, I know how hard it can be to keep regular progressive media publishing. I often suggested to my UTS students, read GLW because it is often ahead of the mainstream agenda. You speak into corporate and government silences and give a voice to those who are marginalised. GLW was never more needed and deserving of support than now. Good luck for your next 1000 editions."
Fund appeal
As of February 27 we have received $102,442 worth of pledges to Green Left's special 1000th issue fund appeal. One of these pledges was $2000 from veteran socialist Jim Knight (91) who is an aged pensioner in Grafton. Read more.
Make a pledge or donate now:
Freecall 1800 634 206
Make a secure online donation
WOLLONGONG - Wed 12 Mar, 6:30pm
At Other Words Activist Centre, Shop 17, 157 Crown St.
Join us for a toast to Green Left Weekly at the Other Words Activist Centre at 6.30pm. [Shop 17, 157 Crown St. Upstairs from the Hideaway cafe.] Then at at 7pm we'll head across the mall to Pot of Gold Mexican restaurant for a meal. Bookings essential. Any questions? Contact John on 0405 335 926. Come along and help keep the most widely read, radical weekly newspaper in Australia powering along.
Green Left Weekly 1000th Issue Celebration
Friday, March 14 at 6:00pm.
Brisbane Activist Centre and Bookshop, 74B Wickham St, Fortitude Valley.
Grab a cocktail, listen to some great live music, and hear toasts from leading activists. Not to be missed!
ARMIDALE - Sat March 15, from 8pm to late.
At the Armidale Club, 91 Beardy Street.
Entry: $5 conc/$10 waged/ $20 solidarity.
Enjoy drinks, toasts and dancing 'til late with:
The Organismics: Warwick Dunham, Steve Thornycroft, Woody Woodhouse, Steve Harris and Ashley Hall presenting a vigorous blend of popular pieces from the jazz archives, soul-soaked blues alongside salty r’n’b, and funk favourites and jazz-rock fusion classics.
Alpine Love Tiger (aka Sammy Hodges) minimal techno/ house DJ from the planet Eros with a carefully crafted journey of uplifting, soulful tunes combined with a dynamic, "ear to ear grin" stage presence.
For more information, contact Bea on 0458 752 680.
FREMANTLE & PERTH - Sat March 15, 7pm
MUA Hall, 2-4 Kwong Alley, North Fremantle.
Join with supporters of Green Left Weekly to celebrate the 1000th issue of Australia's best progressive newspaper. The evening will include a sumptuous three course meal, greetings and entertainment.
Cost: $60 solidarity/$30 waged/$15 unwaged
Email: wacontact@greenleft.org.au
Phone: Alex 0413 976 638
MELBOURNE - Sat March 15, 6.30pm
AMWU Function Centre, Queensberry St, Carlton
Supporters of Green Left Weekly in Melbourne will be celebrating 1000 issues and 23 years of GLW on Saturday March 15. Latin and reggae grooves from Divina Providencia, songs of struggle from Les Thomas, activist greetings and an exhibition of the radical photo-journalism of Ali Bahktiarvandi.
Delicious barbecue (vego options).
SYDNEY - Sat March 15, 6.30pm
Annandale Neighbourhood Centre, 79 Johnston St, Annandale.
Join in the celebration and help keep the most widely-read, radical, weekly newspaper in Australia powering along.
Entry $20/$10 concession. Food and drinks on sale.
Toasts from Fire Brigades Employees Union Secretary, Jim Casey and others!
Featuring Latin dance band Bello Sur and hip hop artist Ben Iota.
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