Peter Boyle
This could be the most pleasant correction Green Left Weekly has ever had to make: The final tally for our $100,000 Emergency Appeal was not $110,615 as reported in the last issue, but a whopping $117,156.05!
This tremendous response from our readers and supporters over just 10 weeks not only guarantees that Green Left will keep coming out, it is also a measure of the broad political support this project enjoys.
As more and more police-state, anti-union and welfare-bashing laws are forced through both houses of federal parliament by the Howard government, the outspoken voice of dissent that is Green Left Weekly is treasured more than ever.
Many good people feel deep despair these days, but we have to remember that governments will pass as many bad laws as they can get away with, but having these laws on paper is not the same as implementing them. As militant unionist Craig Johnston (who has been jailed for standing up for workers' rights) says: "Bad laws have to be broken".
This is not just brave rhetoric. It is a fact that we will all witness unfold over the next period as more and more people realise that when injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty.
Right through this process, Green Left will be there informing, inspiring and networking for that necessary popular resistance to injustice.
You too can become part of that network by giving or selling a subscription to a friend, or by writing for or helping distribute Green Left Weekly. Phone us on 1800 634 206 (free call) or (02) 9690 1230, or contact your local activist centres (details on page 2).
And just because the 10-week emergency appeal is over, it does not mean that we don't need your donations. In fact, you can help guarantee that we won't need to have another emergency appeal by becoming a Friend of Green Left Weekly and committing to a regular donation (big or small) to the paper.
Once again, thank you very much to all donors and those who supported various Green Left Weekly fundraising events around the country, which raised $27,153 in the 10-week appeal.
Final acknowledgements: John M $50; Doreen & Jim J $500; Lefki K $75; Peter H $30; Claudine $50; Harris B $10; Leorold M $46; Gavin M $20; LM $100; Elizabeth C $500; Dangerous C $100; Bree S $3; Janusz F $50; Mark C $500; Helen K & John R $200; Valerie PM $50; WGF $6; Viviane P $100; Harold S $100; Peter R $3; Rudi T $10.
From Green Left Weekly, October 12, 2005.
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