In George Bernard Shaw's Man and Superman, Act 3, a group of brigands sit near a road high in the Sierra Nevada in Spain, discussing politics. Mendoza, their leader, presides over a discussion ranging from anarchism to social democracy. Suddenly the group hears a motorcar coming up the road. The road has been strewn with nails.
MENDOZA [on the hill, using his glass]: Two only, a capitalist and his chauffeur. They look English ...
Mendoza descends, passing behind the fire and coming forward, whilst Tanner and Straker, in their motoring goggles, leather coats, and caps, are led in from the road by the brigands ...
MENDOZA [with dignity]: Allow me to introduce myself. Mendoza, President of the League of the Sierra! [Posing loftily] I am a brigand: I live by robbing the rich.
TANNER [promptly]: I am a gentleman: I live by robbing the poor.
* * *
This column begins like this because these are lines treasured by regular Green Left Weekly reader Bruno, who stops by one of the many Green Left suburban stalls run every Saturday to get a paper and chat about politics.
"Pity we are not brigands, heh?", Bruno jokes on a wintry day when people walking past are more reluctant than usual to get their hands out of their pockets.
But last Saturday, Bruno and his partner Elsa certainly helped thaw the winter chill when they presented a $500 donation to the Green Left Weekly fighting fund. These two retirees live very modest lives, but they saved up for what they see as a very good cause.
Bruno and Elsa were radicalised as student activists in dictator-blighted Argentina. Their fury against injustice burns on — hot as the chilli that Bruno grows in their little backyard.
If you share the fire in the soul of Bruno and Elsa, then you too can help lift the winter chill by making a donation to the Green Left Weekly Fighting Fund.
Last week, our supporters raised a whopping $7237, bringing the total raised so far this year to $89,782. That's 36% of our target. Can you help us get there faster? If you can, give us a call on the toll-free line 1800 634 206 (calls from within Australia only), send in a cheque to PO Box 394, Broadway 2007 or donate securely online (protected by SecurePay) at <>.
From Green Left Weekly, July 5, 2006.
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