Peter Boyle
In a May 25 column entitled "Split atoms, not hairs", the Sydney Daily Telegraph's infamous warrior of the right, Piers Ackerman, assures his readers: "Contrary to the grim maunderings of Australia's Green Left, there is no mystique about the nuclear energy debate."
Ackerman continued: "It's driven by three entirely understandable factors: Concerns over the security of energy supply, the possible effects of CO2 on climate change and pure economics.
"Put at its simplest, the global demand for oil, coal and gas is outstripping supply and forcing prices beyond the reach of ordinary consumers. Don't believe that? Check the pump prices...
"No-one denies the need for cleaner energy but the Chicken Littles opposing the exploitation of our nuclear resources are arguing from a position of abject ignorance.
"Safer, cleaner, and increasingly economically sustainable, nuclear is the best option before us today."
So, as PM John Howard says, Australia has got to go nuclear. No argument and 'nuff said. (You can send your hatemail to <> or <>.)
Similar "arguments", chopped into handy one-liners, were being made across the other side of the Pacific by US President George Bush: "Nuclear power helps us protect the environment."
"And nuclear power is safe."
"Nuclear power will help us deal with the issue of greenhouse gases."
Bush is campaigning to "aggressively move forward with the construction of nuclear-power plants" and promises the already highly subsidised nuclear industry more tax breaks and less regulation.
Wanna help roll back these nuclear maddies? Make a donation to our Fighting Fund! Just phone us on 1800 634 206 (toll-free within Australia), write to PO Box 394, Broadway 2007 or donate online at <>.
Last week we raised $7182. This brings us to 29% of the year's total target of $250,000. Thank you to all who contributed, especially the two subscribers and pensioners who donated $500 each.
From Green Left Weekly, May 31, 2006.
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