The first new subscription to come in on May 1 was from Graeme, from the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, who had read about the Climate Change — Social Change conference on the internet. He took out a one-year subscription to Green Left Weekly and sent us this note of appreciation:
"Huge thank you to all involved in the CCSC Conference. Really appreciate getting the feeds through over the course of the conference and since. Hope you feel it was a great success. I'm looking forward to gleaning through all the articles and talks.
"Well done, you have created something of great value, of deep meaning and with positive impetus toward solutions."
Thanks Graeme. The conference was a great success and has opened up important discussions and new networks for change. Many participants and others who could not make it to the conference have signed on to an important statement, "Climate crisis — urgent action needed now!" There is a new discussion list around this issue at <>.
We hope the conference will spark a whole range of follow-up gatherings, conferences, seminars and video showings in neighbourhoods, unions, campuses, schools and communities.
GLW is ready to help anyone who wants to get involved in these follow-up actions. You can watch or listen to some of the conference sessions on our website (visit <>), and DVDs of the major presentations are now available for purchase. We also have copies of the acclaimed documentary The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil for sale.
Roberto Perez, the Cuban permaculturalist and ecologist who features in Power of Community, was one of the most popular speakers at the conference. He has also signed the conference statement. Graeme explained that Perez has got him thinking about socialism and the collective response we need to the climate change crisis.
As announced in this column last issue, all this May we will be conducting a drive for new GLW subscriptions. The motivation is simple: the need for change is manifestly urgent. Global warming, war and gross injustices threaten human survival.
You can help by selling or giving a GLW subscription to as many workmates, friends and relatives as possible. A seven-issue introductory subscription costs only $10. We are offering prizes ($50 book vouchers for any Resistance Books publications) for the first two people who sell or give away 10 or more subscriptions to GLW in May. As soon as you can, send us the list of the 10 or more new subscribers you've introduced to <> or write in to the address below.
You can also help us in our struggle for change by making a donation to our Fighting Fund at Greenleft, Commonwealth Bank, BSB 062-006, Account No. 901992. Alternatively, ring in your donation by credit card on the toll-free line at 1800 634 206 (within Australia only), send us a cheque or money order to PO Box 515, Broadway NSW 2007, or donate online through Secure Pay at <>.
Since the last issue, our supporters raised $3840 bringing the total raised for the GLW Fighting Fund this year to $74,343, which is 30% of our target.