By Fred Fuentes & Laura Ealing
Hundreds of people attended pickets, protests, film screenings, public meetings and other events across Australia from April 11 to 17 to develop solidarity with the people and government of Venezuela.
The week of solidarity was held to coincide with the third anniversary of the defeat, by popular mobilisation, of the US-backed coup against the democratically elected President Hugo Chavez. The activities were coordinated by the Australia-Venezuela Solidarity Network (AVSN), with the socialist youth organisation Resistance helping to organise events in individual cities.
One highlight of the week was the April 15 picket of the US consulate in Sydney, attended by more than 50 people, and attracting many others who stopped to hear about what was occurring in Venezuela. Many people signed up to help out with further solidarity, including several who had never previously heard about what was happening in Venezuela.
The protest was chaired by Green Left Weekly journalist Stuart Munckton, with speakers from the Greens, the AVSN, Resistance and the Australia-Cuba Friendship Society. Ian Cohen from the Greens expressed support for the people of Venezuela in their stand against the US. Cohen also argued that it was important to take the issue of support for Venezuelan sovereignty to the Australian government, given the close relationship between the US and Australian governments.
Kiraz Janicke from Resistance outlined the massive achievements of the Bolivarian revolution, including free education, free healthcare and an extension of women's rights. She argued that we need to achieve these here in Australia. Pickets of US consulates were also held in Perth and Melbourne.
Dozens of film screenings were held across Australia, of several films that showcase the gains of the Bolivarian revolution. In Hobart, a series of films screenings throughout late April and early May have attracted an average of 50 people each, and raised $1600 to support the AVSN-organised solidarity brigade to Venezuela planned for later this year.
Coming out of the week, solidarity activists have begun organising further film screenings, including of the new film Bolivarian Venezuela: the People, the Fight and the IV World War, as well as making speakers available to other progressive, left and solidarity organisations about the events in Venezuela and practical ways to help with solidarity.
[To find out more, get involved or request a speaker for a gathering/group meeting, visit <> or by email <>. Resources, including a power-point presentation, leaflets, videos and petitions, are available on the web site.]
From Green Left Weekly, April 20, 2005.
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