Help keep Cockburn Sound nuclear free

Actions, protests & rallies
Boorloo/Perth & Walyalup/Fremantle


5:30pm Wednesday 14 August


Walyalup Civic Centre
Walyalup Koort
William St
Fremantle WA 6160


One of our key WA campaigns is questioning and petitioning the councils facing Cockburn Sound: Rockingham, Kwinana, Cockburn and Fremantle to 'Help Keep Cockburn Sound Nuclear Free'. Local governments have a duty to advocate for the health and safety of their residents and environment and to disclose council responsibilities should there be a radiation incident (including clean-up costs).
If you live in the City of Fremantle please sign this petition before Tuesday 13 August:
No matter where you live, we hope to see you at the photo shoot on Wednesday. Other council petitions are in hard copy format. Should you be able to assist in collecting signatures please pm or email us.

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