By Arrow Tong and Tristan Miller
Young people need a voice. We can't just hang around until we are 18, when we get to vote for the racist policies of Liberal or Labor. That is why last year Resistance organised the high school walkouts against racism in which thousands of students voiced their anger at the racist Liberal and One Nation parties.
Australia was built on the foundations of racism, which was used to justify the dispossession of Aboriginal people. Racism is still necessary for the rich minority, who use it to steal Aboriginal land and scapegoat migrants for unemployment.
If racism and injustice are rampant on your school, don't despair — there is something you can do.
It is easy to get demoralised by the school system, which makes young people conform to an unjust society. Organising a Resistance club on your school will help people stand up to injustice. As an individual we can only do so much, but being involved in Resistance makes it easier to challenge the school's racism, homophobia or sexism.
We cannot let racism continue; we must take a stand against injustice. Resistance can help you to get organised at your school, from arranging a speaker at assembly and providing videos on important issues, to getting information around to build the next rally.
Get active, get organised, contact Resistance.