How and why to Disrupt Burrup Hub

Campaign planning & activities
Boorloo/Perth & Walyalup/Fremantle


7:00pm Tuesday 25 July


Holmes à Court Gallery
10 Douglas St
West Perth WA 6005


Disrupt Burrup Hub is a direct-action campaign targeting Woodside and other dirty polluters who operate at Murujuga on the Burrup Peninsula.

We’ve made headlines with a series of high-profile actions that have turbo-charged the public debate around Woodside’s destruction of climate and culture at Murujuga. We’ve hit the art gallery, Woodside HQ, Parliament House, Perth Police Station, and the footy, and caused a full evacuation of more than 2,500 workers from Woodside HQ in Perth.

Now, it’s time for everyone to get involved so we can scale up our efforts to shut down industrial expansion on the Burrup Peninsula. We’re working on a plan, and we need you to make it happen. Come along to our public meeting to learn more.

Join us at the Holmes à Court Gallery @ Number 10, where you'll also have the chance to view the incredible exhibition 'Murujuga - Celebration of an ancient cultural landscape'. The exhibition features art by Traditional Custodians and other artists who have been inspired by the awe-inspiring Murujuga landscape, which is under threat from Woodside's Burrup Hub. This meeting will be filmed by media reporting on climate activism in Australia.

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