Come to a rally: Stop continuing Stolen Generations. More Aboriginal kids are being taken from their families than ever before. Called by Grandmothers Against Removals. Thursday February 11 at 12pm. Aboriginal Tent Embassy, Parliament House.
Attend a forum: Touch one, touch all: Racism, the fascist threat and how unions can fight it. We are now facing a growing threat from the far right and neo-Nazis who are organising around Islamophobia to divide and attack us all. Hosted by Campaign Against Racism and Fascism. Saturday February 6 at 2pm. Meeting Room 1, Victorian Trades Hall, corner Lygon & Victoria Streets, Carlton.
Join the rally: Ban onshore gas & grow renewables! Big energy companies have sought to open up Victoria to onshore gas drilling and fracking, putting prime farmland and water resources at risk. Organised by Friends of the Earth, Gasfield Free Vic, Yes 2 Renewables. Tuesday February 9 at 11.30am. Parliament, Spring St, City.
Join the rally: Justice for TJ Hickey. In 2004 TJ was killed during a police pursuit. The cover up of the Redfern police murder of TJ started immediately. Sunday February 14 at 10.30am. TJ Hickey Park, cnr George & Phillip sts, Waterloo. Email Ken Canning burraga_gutya@ hotmail.com or isjasydneyray@gmail.com. Phone Raul Bassi 0403 037 376.