Peter Boyle
"The Pentagon plan, designed to fight what it describes as 'The Long War', envisages 'long-duration, complex operations involving the US military and international partners, waged simultaneously in multiple countries round the world' ...
"Measures proposed, to be funded through $513bn (£295.6bn) in US defence spending for 2007, include boosting the number of special operations forces and unmanned drones used for surveillance and targeted assassinations, the creation of special teams trained to detect and render safe nuclear weapons anywhere in the world, and a long-range bomber force." — "America's long war" by Simon Tisdall, Ewen MacAskill and Richard Norton-Taylor, British Guardian, February 15.
The UN's 2005 Human Development Report estimated that US$300 billion would lift 1 billion people living on less than $1 a day out of extreme poverty. For just $4 billion, child infant mortality rates could be cut by 59%, saving 2.3 million lives. Just under $7 billion a year over the next decade would give 1 billion people access to clean water and 2.6 billion access to sanitation. $513 billion spent on addressing the most pressing global social needs would make the world a more just and safer place.
The world's 60 poorest nations repaid $550 billion, in both principal and interest over the last three decades, on $540 billion of loans and yet there was still a US$523 billion debt burden in 2002. I don't know what these poor nations "owe" today, but $513 billion would make a big dent and massively improve the chances for a peaceful world.
However, spending wisely is not the wont of the rich and powerful who rule the world today. We need to build a movement to end their rule and Green Left Weekly is a small but valuable part of that movement.
If you are into spending wisely you should consider sending in a donation to GLW's 2006 Fighting Fund. Send a cheque to PO Box 515, Broadway, NSW, 2007, phone it through on the toll-free line 1800 634 206 (calls from within Australia only) or donate securely (SecurePay) online at: <>.
Last week we raised $8697, bringing the total raised so far to $37,661 or 15% of our fighting fund target for 2006.
Thanks to all who donated or helped raise these funds. They will certainly be spent wisely. And don't forget to check the calendar at the back of the paper to see if there is a GLW fundraising event in your area.
From Green Left Weekly, March 15, 2006.
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